Minecraft Username?
What is your timezone and when are you most active in your timezone?
- AEST (ill be on mainly around 4pm or later on a weekday)
Have you joined the server Discord?
Do you have a mic to communicate via voice chat?
-Yes, but its not the best quality right now
When did you first join our server?
-I joined on the 30th of March 2019
How much time do you have to contribute to our server daily/weekly?
-I can contribute at least 3 or 4 hours daily or when ever i can.
Have you been previously banned or muted? If so, please explain why
-I haven't been banned, but i have been muted due to the owner wanting everyone to shut up :D
Are you currently staff on any other server? (Provide proof)
-I used to be admin on a server called Mad-Craft, but that has been shut down due to lack of funding
Why have you decided to apply for staff?
- I like to help and be a part of something that can benefit the server. I want to help make this server big and an awesome playing experience for all players. The owner is chill so i t would be awesome to work with him.
How will your presence benefit our staff team and server? Is there anything in particular that you believe that you can help improve?
-I have a lot of experience in any staff role. I have done a lot of work with some plugins, but not enough to be a dev. I believe i can help keep the positive vibes that the server already shown and I can make sure no one ruins anyone's time on the server.
Do you have an issue with a staff member that will stop you from working with them?
-I don't have any issues with anyone and never will
How well do you understand the rules?
- I understand the rules completely, and don't be a f*cking idiot seems pretty straight foward
Do you understand staff can not scam and must treat all players equally?
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